Monday, February 21, 2011

Finding Food

In Minecraft you can get hurt a lot of ways. For example you jump off a cliff. You can lose some health. You stay under water for too long, you lose some health, you think your all pro so you go out side when its dark with a wooden sword and try to fight a creeper, boom, loose some health. No your sitting inside your cave that you dug in  the side of a mountain, because you cant do anything because you have half a hearth left. What do you do? Go to Google and type in "Minecraft mods, hacks, cheats. No, no you don't do that. You just started playing Minecraft, so you don't need mods. Jesus have some sanity. What you do is go find pigs! Go whip out your stone sword and go start attacking the pigs! Pigs will drops you pork. You can eat the pork and it will give you more hearts. So boom go fight those creepers with your wooden sword, go show them who is boss. Go cliff jumping. Go stay under water for long periods of time. Who cares you got pork!


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